Primate On A Planet

Primordial Rock Music

I'm a primate on a planet and so are you. YAWP! We don't know if there's any reason for our existence (probably not) or how anything exists at all.  I reckon that should give us respect for each other, for life and our environment. Everyone deserves the chance to make the most of this opportunity. Live and let live. Yet again and again,  the greedy,  amoral, damaged few make life difficult for the rest of us.  Assholes!

My music is Rock with elements of Alternative, Stoner, Funk, Indie, Grunge and Hip-hop. I think I have a unique sound. My lyrics are introspective, observational, experiential and... whatever, have a listen.

My Music


Disconnect is a hard rock song about the problems we face online. As individuals, we contend with bullying, humiliation and feelings of inadequacy. As a society, we've been divided by disinformation and we're angrier and more paranoid than ever. We need to be engaged, but we have to educate ourselves and think critically so we aren't so vulnerable to manipulation. If you're in too deep, disconnect.

"...great hard rock with a touch of psychedelic rock. I like the production, everything sounds very rich. And the bass line is fantastic. The guitars are stylish and not boring. The vocals are well put and very stylish."

-- TarasKo, Spotify Playlister

"Nice job in creating the haunting vibe of the track The raw vocals sounds pretty cool and I enjoyed the memorable instrumental lines."

-- Zhurek.mlody, Spotify Playlister

Air Zen

I used to meditate and when my mind wandered I would think, "Just do it. Just..." then silence the voice in my head. That was the inspiration for Air Zen, a funky, humorous song about trying to find peace in a world full of distractions.

Gun (Welcome to Johannesburg)

I lived in South Africa, a notoriously violent country, for many years and considered buying a gun to protect myself and my family. Gun (Welcome to South Africa) is a heavy, grinding song about that debate and what I ultimately decided.

South Africa is a beautiful country, populated by beautiful, friendly people. But life is hard and the government is riddled with corruption. The few f*** everything up for the many.

Super Stressed Out Man

I was in a bad place, trying to find my feet in a foreign culture/economy, when I wrote Super Stressed-Out Man. It's frustrating to be misunderstood and have your potential go unrecognized. It's even harder to get up when you keep getting knocked down. And the worse things get, the harder it is to turn it all around...

To Be

Sometimes, rarely, I feel perfectly relaxed and content. On the night I wrote To Be, I was feeling particularly grateful for my existence and consciousness. 

I doubt that there's a purpose to our existence. How could there be? But that doesn't mean we shouldn't revel in it. Sometimes you've got to step into the stream and dance.

Words of Wisdom
